Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Weekly Weigh In- Week 3 (Again)

As promised here's week 3's weigh in. I'm up .4 of a pound. I'm not upset at all, thanks to PMS & not sleeping very well, i figured I would be up. Plus I haven't been very strict, I'm hoping to start the South Beach Diet but I have a lot of fruit that I didn't want to waste, so I'm holding off right now. I plan on being strict this week because I've got two weeks til vacation & I'd like to be down to at least 150! My mom has been doing Weight Watchers & she's down 23 lbs, her and her friend are in a competition through their work and she just won a Kindle! So we'll be able to stick together when we go on vacation!
Do you have any weight loss tricks or tips?



  1. I blend together watermelon and strawberries with no added sugar just the fruit and it has helpme when Im in need of something sweet.
    Good luck!!

  2. I heard that if you eat protein bars during the day, and veggie (no fat meat), it'll help with slimming. Dont forget the green tea!! :)

  3. I second the water comment, but make sure that you also exercise to combat water weight! Also the Just Dance for wii is awesome! Good luck!

    would love if you visited ;)
