I finally found the shoes I've wanted! I've been trying to get these shoes for like 3 months & everywhere I have looked has been sold out. I found them on Ebay for $32.99 (including shipping) I am so excited to recieve them that I can barely contain myself!!

I painted my nails yesterday & my camera isn't in my purse but this is the color, it's 060 Fusion Neon. I freaking love it! It's so pink & bright.. it just screams SPRING!

The weather has been rainy & downright crap today. It makes me a little sad because I can feel my motivation for everything go right out the window. But, I hope to make it to the gym tonight because I really need it. I have been on my diet for 16 days and I have been doing so well. I baked over 100 cookies for the bake sale and managed to eat only 1, which is quite an accomplishment for me. Plus, I made homemade vegetable soup last night that I've been eating all day.. it's sooo good!
I'll update soon!