Sorry it’s been so long. There has been a lot going on in my life.
Dustin & I finally had a chance to get away this past weekend. We live about 30 minutes from Hershey Park, which is one of my favorite places to go in the summer. It’s become almost a tradition that we go once every summer. For those of you who don’t know, Hershey Park is an amusement park; it’s also where Hershey’s chocolate was made. (Now I’m pretty sure it’s made in Mexico). When I was little, my parents used to take my brother and I there every summer. I hated roller coasters for the longest time, but one summer I fell in love. Hershey Park has grown so much since then; I think they have added almost 4 new roller coasters. They also added a new water park, with a Lazy River & Wave Pool. It was Dustin & and I and another couple that Dustin has known for years. We stayed from 10-7 and it was a scorcher that day. It hit 94 degrees, no clouds in the sky. Needless to say, Dustin and I ended up burnt to a crisp! I am still feeling the burn on my shoulders!

This is my favorite roller coaster at Hershey Park. It's called Storm Runner and it goes from 0-60 in abou 4 seconds!
Unfortunately, I came out to really terrible news. A friend of mine from work, her son was killed the night before in a car accident. He left a party with his girlfriend (who had been drinking and was underage) she was speeding and went to pass a car & lost control of the convertible she was driving. The car hit a tree and then rolled into a telephone pole, resting on its roof. My friend’s son was pronounced dead at the scene. He was just 20 years old. It really makes you think. I know everyone has stepped into a car at some sort of risk. I know when I was younger, I felt like I was invincible. I’ve lost too many friends and family to stupid mistakes. I don’t even like to have one drink and drive anymore, cops where I live are very strict. If I got a DUI it would ruin everything I have going for me. And I can’t imagine if I stepped foot into a car under the influence and hurt someone. I’d never forgive myself. SO I’m asking you to keep my friend and her family in your prayers as I know they need the strength to get through this.
I’m dreading next weekend already. I have a wedding to attend Friday night and then Saturday afternoon I am in a wedding for a friend. That Monday we’re leaving for a week at the beach with my parents. Can we say stressed out!? I was hoping to lose some weight before the beach but I find that when I am stressed all I want to do is eat. I’ve been eating nothing but junk and sweets. Ah, I swear I’ll get back on track if it’s the last thing I do!!
Last but surely not least, we got our new kitten, Ginger.

Thankfully, we picked her up at the right time, another week and she would have died. You have to understand the reasoning behind why I fell in love with this kitten. In January, Dustin was driving and there was a cat in the middle of the road. Nine cars almost hit her before Dustin stopped and picked her up. She was in a bad way and he rushed her to the vet. She spent eight nights at the animal hospital. She was about 12 years old, had all of her teeth pulled due to infection, she had feline AIDS and all off her fur fell out on her back because she was allergic to the fleas that were biting her. I cried all night when we picked her up because we were sure she would die. We spent the next 3 months dedicated to making her last days the best she could have. She started getting very sick and sneezing blood, so again we took her to the vet.

The news was devastating. We found out that she had cancer in her jaw and would not live much longer. We spent every waking moment that we could giving her as much love as we could because we knew time was running out. The vet told us that we would know when it was time, and we did. We had her put down May 8th, and I still cry sometimes because I miss

sweet “Old Cat”. Our new kitten, looks EXACTLY like Old Cat. When I saw her I cried because it was like the big person upstairs knew that our hearts needed healing. So I knew from the moment I saw her that Ginger had to be mine. The first picture is Ginger, the second & third are dear Old Cat!
Sorry to sound so dreary.. I promise the next post will be more upbeat!
Peace & Love